By: Arthur Ekrem - December 20, 2016
#HillaryClinton not only raised and spent more money on a failed campaign than any other candidate in history, she and her campaign staff employed a losing strategy from day one.
Estimates show her funds raised in excess of $1.2 billion with some blind estimates pushing it towards $2 billion - a new record. Her campaign has very little cash left in her post election reserve accounts and they shot their entire wad on failed commercial and media buy. On the other hand Donald Trump raised just north of $600 million (some of it from his own funds) and he still retains a prudent cash reserve with virtually no commercial or media buy.
This election had/has “NOTHING” to do with Russian hacking or WikiLeaks, rather it was all about a poorly executed strategy that was flawed from the get go… this was Hillary Clinton's race to win and she alone let it slip away.
Simply put, Hillary and her campaign staff blew a sure thing by underestimating not only Donald Trump but any other player from the opposition, not to mention that she illegally buried #BernieSanders who more than likely beat her or would have beat her in a Trump like fashion. Her excessively negative campaign was devised to cover up years of shenanigans and dishonesty by she and her husband which in turn single-handedly cost her the election. It was here and here alone that Hilary lost votes amongst some of her largest core supporters. When many of her core were polled or interviewed, they suggested they would vote for Hillary, only to step forward later to say they simply couldn't cast a vote in her favor.
That overwhelming majority of former Hillary/Party loyalists either did not vote, or secretly voted for Donald Trump. This is not my opinion, it is evidenced by the sweeping electoral victory as well as the voting statistics state to state.
She never identified what was truly important to the American people, nor did she seem to care about past transgressions, or identify a new path for the future. This left the door wide open for #DonaldTrump to navigate the low road all the way to the finish line. For every rally held by Trump with 20,000 or more people in attendance, those 20,000 yielded the same effect as a multilevel marketing campaign where 20,000 becomes 1 million - I’m calling it AMWAY politics.
Trumps rallies were targeted in the hardest hit demographics of America's sad economy. In turn yielding him the highest strategic voter turnout in key precincts that were largely overlooked, if not forgotten by the Hillary Clinton campaign.
To make matters worse and to really bring reality home, the CIA revealed last week that any hacking done by the Russians which was successful against the Clinton campaign and the DNC, was also employed against Trump and the RNC, but failed as the RNC and Trump had better Technology and more stringent server security.
Basically, everything that could go wrong for Hillary Clinton, did! A failed effort in every way......
On one of my visits to Hillary Clinton's home in Georgetown in 2002, the purpose of the small gathering with Hillary, Bill, John Kerry and a few others was to try to nominate a key congressional candidate named Julie Harris. During this small private session in the Clinton home, I was amazed by the already assumed role she was taking as a shoe in for the White House down the road. Other key players and money people seemed to share that sentiment as well. She was to be the Queen and we were to be her loyal followers.
Even then in 2002, she had established a political action committee called "HILLPAC" which was run by one of her minions named Bari Lurie, who coincidentally now serves as chief of staff to Chelsea Clinton at the Clinton Foundation. Oh what a tangled web we weave!
While I was a staunch Reagan republican in the early 1980s, I have maintained a true bipartisan position in Washington DC since 1986 working with leaders on both sides of the aisle, as well as whoever occupies the White House - I have voted both ways. I only bring that up to say this, I “DID NOT” have a horse in this last presidential election.
Having known the Clintons since 1989 in varying degrees, I have nothing but contempt for them as people, the way they treat others, and their ongoing violations of law that would put any other American behind bars. As for Donald Trump, I first met and had dealings with him in 1987 and found him savvy, knowledgeable, and more well informed than anyone else around him. While I detest many of his attitudes, choice of words, and tirades, I have watched a man over the past 18 months who has had a clear and definitive goal with a plan that was executed exactly as he desired.
Whether this makes him a lucky candidate or a political genius, is irrelevant as he is now the boss. And to those who have a problem with this - GET OVER IT!
In closing, if the Democratic Party and it's future candidates ever hope to reform the publics opinion of their negative tact and approach towards everything, they need to embrace a bipartisan agenda while redefining and rebranding who and what they are.
This will require the lining up of future candidates who were/are not born and bred within the Washington DC beltway.
President Obama was a charismatic Democratic anomaly who took the scene by storm and ultimately did very little in the way of a lasting legacy, real change or a fiscal overhaul after the 2008 banking collapse. He missed an opportunity for true reform, and I believe this was due to his lack of any long term political and business experience. Simply put, he got outclassed by the Wall Street establishment and the International Community.
Obama was further stonewalled by the evil Republican faction led by John Boehner and other Republican leaders who set a a blockade he could never knock down. This left him as one of the most impotent leaders in our Nations history. What can be said for President Obama is that he never lost his calm or his cool and he held his head high and at very least kept the ship steady during a very difficult fiscal recovery. His record was not a sound launching platform for Hillary Clinton, and she further lost her way with poor strategy, bad advice, and the simple fact that most of America just does not like her.
As I have written about in my blog #DCBULL.com for many many years, I believe the two-party system as we have known it is - has been dying a slow death for quite some time. It would now appear that my assumptions were not only correct, but have come to fruition. Donald Trump does not fit a Republican model, rather he has just hung his hat on the RNC logo as a path to the White House.
His victory will most certainly generate a field of nonpartisan candidates in the future, many of which will emerge from the business sector and not the traditional Senate or Gubernatorial launching pads of yesterday. Career politicians cannot and will not ever have a place in running our country again. We have matured past the point of their simple selling of snake oil while delivering no results decade after decade.
Time for true TERM LIMITS - 2 four year terms for both the Senate and the Congress, just as with the White House. New blood, fresh ideas, accountability to each elected officials constituents.
Donald Trump is the President of the United States for better or for worse. Within 2 to 3 years, we will know if his victory will be beneficial for our country or a failed experiment. Until then let's rally the troops from both sides of the aisle, Let’s see if the media will redefine the way they report the news and conduct business in order to help their sagging ratings and readerships, and maybe, just maybe we can get something done.
If not, four years from now Trump will be voted out of office and it will be someone else's turn to raise $2 billion dollars, unless we can enact campaign finance reform and fundraising limits for all elected officials......hmmmm, another battle for another day!